217 22 years old & Bailey (L. B.) 5'8" & 11½ st., but thought Bentley (I. R.) an indifferent player. Mr. H. R. Pickering was not fully impressed with Guy in an earlier game. (Sherwood) He preferred Sherwood (R. B.) Cardiff City, who was approx. 24, 5'8" & 11/6. Swallow (Dancaster) Mr. W. Laine gave a fairly good report of this 214 R. B. but Mr. R. Bentham a poor one. (Meddleton (Wombwell) The latter recommended Middleton, R. B. of Wombwell. The Club wanted £500 for his transfer. Evening Institutes Cup 205 Purchase of a trophy at £5 was approved. Players to watch 209 Mr. E. Green to see Guy & Bailey. Mr. G. Evans to see Sherwood. Middleton to be seen again as soon as possible. Transfer of Shares Following were approved:- Share Nod. 2174 from Xors. Walter Salt to J. H. Blundell. do 502 to 507 & 1473 to 1479 from E. Sephton to A. Selsby. do 1596 to 1598 do M. Roberts to A. E. Bennett. do 840 & 1384 do Xors. C. F. Francis to S. Pope. do 231 to 232 do S. E. & J. G. Taylor to J. Ayre via R. E. Grainger & do 2310, 1318, 1319 do E. James to S. Pope. H. T. Smith. do 2396 & 761 do W. Beatey to S. Pope. do 2371, 2260, 557 & 748 do J. Wallase to R. Gaul. do 1385 do W. M. Powell to J. Ayre. do 772 do H. P. Robinson to S. Pope. do 1876 to 1878 do W. Maltman to do. do 775 do T. Robinson to do. do 533 & 534 & 2201 do R. A. Bower to do. do 2063 to 2072 do N. I. Leather to R. E. Searle. do 838 do E. J. Francis to S. Pope. do 774 do S. T. Robinson to S. Pope. A. G. M. 130 It was agreed to hold this on Friday July 5, 1946.