210 dered to the club during the War Period, he be granted an Honorarium of £1,000. And in future, on Stationery of the Company & on Notice Boards &c. appertaining to the Company's premises, he be designated as Secretary - Manager. ? Owen Agreed that this player be offered a professional engagement on terms to be agreed. ? O'Neill Secy. reported the Amateur signing of this player, on a Football League form O. L. aged 26, 5'9" & 11 st. Oakes 192 It was noted that the player was now agree- able to joining our Club. Secy. was instructed to proceed North, find out the true situation & report back to the Board. ?. A. O. R. Match It was noted that the players could only 207 be paid in accordance with Standing Rules of the Football League. The F. A. Insurance Scheme covered the Club against Total Loss of each person's services at £6,000 each with a personal accident Benefit of £1,000 for Death; £6 per week for 26 weeks for Temporary Total Disablement; & a limit of £20 for Medical Expenses for any one accident. Cover from time of departure to time of return. Mr. F. W. Lake submitted alternate quotations for cover by the Company, in connection with the above, which he had received from (1) W. R. Ponting, Ltd., London Insurance Brokers, and (2) W. T. Oversby & Co. Ltd., L'pool Insurance Brokers. It was decided to place business through the first named, cover to be as per attached list. Danish Tour It was noted that the Danish Clubs 203 offer of £750 could not be increased. C. F. A. Semi Final Confirmation was given to the 1st Match in the Semi Final v Tranmere Rovers on Mch. 13, 1946. Indemnity Agreed to issue new script to Ellen James for Share 2310, against indemnity provided.