[MEETING OF GROUND COMMITTEE AT GOODISON PARK, THURSDAY, Feb 14, 1946] Present:- Messrs G. Evans, J. P. , (Chair), W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle, C. C., F. W. Lake and Sec'y. BELLEFIELD SPORTS GROUND. Copies of the suggested terms of the 21 years lease were considered, and the trend of our ideas to be conveyed to Mr. J. C. Bryson, acting on our behalf, - were given to the Secretary. The latter was empowered to deal with Mr. Arthur Leather, the resident groundsman, to obtain his services as soon as possible, at a reasonable figure of wages, having in mind his occupancy of the cottage at the entrance. LIVIRPOOL v. ST. HELENS Schoolboys Match. The Chairman's action in granting the use of Good- ison Park on the morning of Saturday, the 23rd inst., was confirmed. BASEBALL. It was agreed that as previous experience had proved this game to be not detrimental to our ground, permission be given for use for 1946 season. The Chairman drew attention to the fact that our players were interested, and that the trainer considered it to be good summer training. NEW STAND. Secretary was instructed to press for the release of the accommodation used by the Ministry of Food, and also to have Mr. A. Leitch apply for the licence for repair work, to enable this stand to be used for Season 1946-7. BULLENS RD. STAND. It was agreed that the painting of the exterior of this stand should be proceeded with, as soon as permitted. W. C. Gibbins 19/2/46