
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, L'pool,
			Tuesday, Feby. 19, 1946]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, C. S. Baxter M. D., G. Evans,
			J. P., T. Percy, Capt., R. A. O. C., W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle, C. C.,
			F. W. Lake & Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting of 12th inst., were read
		& confirmed.

A. Owen	202		It was noted that this player had signed
		professional forms on the match payment basis.

Lancs. County Cricket Club Dr. C. S. Baxter & Secy. reported on suggestions
		made to the interested authorities to help the Fund to
		rebuild the Club & it was noted that further news
		would be received & reported.

Finance			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise	    Tax		£7.4.10
		Theo. Kelly		Wages & Xes.	£400.0.0
			Bank Balance £1286.6.4. Cr.

McMahon 202		Mr. W. Laine gave further good report.
		Later, it was agreed that Mr. E. Green see the player,
		with complete powers to negotiate his transfer if
		satisfied with his ability.

Teams			Secy.'s suggested teams v L'pool & Newcastle
		were approved.

Directors to Newcastle	Messrs G. Evans, R. E. Searle & F. W. Lake.

B. A. O. R. Match 200	It was agreed that the Chairman, Secretary,
		Trainer with players Burnett, Jackson, Greenhalgh,
		Mercer, Humphreys, Watson, Stevenson, Wainwright, Catterick,
		Fielding, Boyes & Bentham make up the party of 15.
			Mr. F. W. Lake was deputed to go into
		the matter of Insurance of the Members of the Party
		on the basis of a £60,000 maximum figure.

J. W. Davies		It was decided to offer this player £6