203 grant this player a free transfer, but that the Secretary should safeguard our interest in his retention as a F. L. player, whilst granting him provisional permission to play for Witton Albion. A. Barber It was agreed that this player be granted a free transfer if it met with his desires. Danish Tour 195 An offer of £750 for 3 matched (2 Sunday & 1 Midweek) having been received & costs of same arrangement having been considered, it was agreed that we ask £1500 for a tour of 10 days playing period, that period to be determined by sailing facilities. Lancashire County An appeal for financial help was Cricket Club heard. It was agreed that further information be obtained, & matter be considered later. Lord Mayor Invitation Noted that the Lord Mayor was holding a luncheon at the Town Hall on the 26th inst., to meet the Directors of Liverpool & Everton F. C.s. Secy. was instructed to accept on behalf of all present. Transfer of Shares Following was approved:- 201 Shared Nod. 357 & 2254 from T. B. Wilson to T. C. Nuttall. Election of Directors Mr. T. Percy asked that if he was to be 136 opposed at the next Annual General Meeting by Other members of the Board, he should be informed. No specific answer was given to this request. Next Meeting Tuesday, February 19, 1946 at Exchange Hotel. Confirmed as correct. W. C. Gibbins 19/2/46 Chairman.