199 to sanction payment to T. Elliott of £6 per week as his Standard Wage. E. Edwards ("Bie") It was agreed that this gentleman having returned to the journalistic world as a sport writer, his wife should still permitted to have a sent at ordinary matches, in the Directors Box. Team v Bradford The team as suggested, was approved. Transfer of Shares Following were approved:- 197 Shares Nod. 759, 760, 277, 278, 882, 2160 to 2165, 229, 230, 358 to 360 & 2362 from Xors. R. R. Turnbull to A. H. Turnbull. Shares 470 to 484 & 228, & 2352 from Xors. R. R. Turnbull to G. R. Turnbull. Next Meeting Tuesday, Feby. 5, at 5 pm. Confirmed as correct Wm. C. Gibbins 5/2/46 Chairman