193 D. E. J. Falder & Sagar Reported that these players had now signed as agreed. C. Birmingham Noted that this player would be resuming his Civil Employment with Messrs Chas. Birchall & had 18 months to go to complete his time, & would continue to serve as an amateur for a while, at least. H. R. Pickering Decided that this man be offered £4/10/- to come on Ground Stuff. A. E. Stevenson Agreed that the following full time offers Prescott, Edwards, W. C. Higgins be made May 4,1946:- A. E. Stevenson £9 per week J. Prescott £5 do & Rail Contract W. Edwards £5 do & do W. C. Higgins £5 do C. L. Wages Noted that we could now pay £5 as matchly payment in this Competition. Secy. was instructed to use his judgement over such payments, & appeals by players, not receiving such maximum payment, to be brought before the Board. F. A. & Mercer 180 It was noted that this player had been chosen to captain England v Belgium on the 19th inst. Ireland & Scotland Irish F. A. were granted permission to (A. E. Stevenson) play Stevenson in this match on Feb. 2, at Belfast. R. A. Band Decided to offer 50 Guineas for the Service of this Band for our match v Newcastle Utd. on Mch. 2nd. Transfer of Shares Following were approved:- Shares Nod. 1552 to 1554 from Mary Scott to Water St. Nominees Ltd. do 2297 & 985 & 986 Xix. Jos. Scott to do do 212 to 216 Xix. W. A. Broom to W. J. Broom. Players Insurance This was discussed & decided to defer until next meeting, to be held on Tuesday, Jany. 15, @ 5 pm. Confirmed as correct W. C. Gibbins Jan. 15/46 Chairman