189 to see Mr. Pickering, & report to the next meeting his ideas of salary allied to employment which might be useful to the Company. K. F. Busby K. F. Busby's wages were advanced to £2 per week as on & from Dec 22, 1945. Results These were reported:- v Stoke City 6-1, v Napiers 5-2, v L. C. F. A. XI 9-3. Team v Grimsby Suggested team was approved. Director to Stoke Mr. T. Percy. L. C. F. A. XI It was noted that in the Football Association Minor Youths Competition, the L'pool County F. A. had chosen the following team:- Kay, Jones T. Rankin, Tansey, Farrar, Street F., McCallan, Corkhill, Street J., Hannah, Gregson. With the exception of the Centre forward & Outside-left, the players were members of our Club. Transfer of Shares Following were approved:- & Indemnity Shares 1780 to 1782 from C. C. Morton to T. Percy (Indemnity accepted) 185 do 1042 to 1044 Xors. J. J. Scott do do 2388 & 1023 Lors. J. J. Ashworth do do 2417 & 261 S. Phillips do do 1708 to 1710 A. s. Scott do do 2366 & 1649 to 1651 & 501 M. P. Kirkwood do do 736 H. Kenton to H. Liggett do 737 & 738 do to R. G. Nuttall do 2402 & 1357 H. G. Porter to J. Arnold. Auditors Secy. was instructed to ascertain from Messrs Bowler, the figures arrived at by Mr. Chas Bowler recently. Next Meeting Tuesday, Dec. 18th at 5 pm. Confirmed as correct Wm. C. Gibbins Dec. 18/45 Chairman