
T. G. Jones 148		Secy. reported this player's desire to be
		permitted to undertake general sports masters duties
		at The Leas, Hoylake, when able to sign a full time
		agreement. It was agreed that subject that subject to us having
		1st Claim on his services always, this request be
			It was noted that Chelsea F. C. had
		asked if we would transfer him. This to be
		considered at a later meeting when Secretary
		had gained knowledge of the players feelings.

J. E. Jones 178		Secy. reported enquiry from Leed Utd.
		F. C. & Wigan Athletic F. C.
			Decided that should the player desire
		to take player manager appointment at the latter,
		we should grant necessary permission but that
		his Football League transfer value be assessed
		at £600. Secy. was empowered to accept the
		best figure he could get.

J. A. Jones		Agreed to sign this player as a

Lift			Agreed to accept Waygood-Otis
		official estimate of £26 for renewing ropes & fixing
		Safety switch.

Soil Pipes		It was noted that this trouble was
		not so serious as the first cursory examination
		would imply.

Results			These were reported:-
		v Middlesbrough 0-0, v Sheffield Utd. Res. 4-1.

Directors to Stoke	Messrs Green, Evans, Percy & Searle.

Jackson (Wrexham) 182	Messrs W. C. Gibbins & W. R. Williams
		stated that they would watch this player if
		he played at L. B.

Campbell (L'pool)	Secy. reported that this winger had
		now signed for Blackburn.