180 Players Union Secy. reported that the League Management Comee. 178 had agreed with the P. U. Comee. on the 12th inst.:- (a) Full time maximum wages to May 4, 1946, to be £9 instead of £8 per week. (b) Match payment to May 4, 1946 to be £5 instead of £4. (c) Match bonus of £2 Win £1 Draw to be paid from Dec. 1, inclusive. J. Mercer Noted that this player would become demob- 165 ilised as from 14th inst. & decided to offer him on engagement on the maximum terms of £9 per week. Also noted that Rawlings & Sagar would now come under the increased schedule. A. Letter re Mercer It was reported that Mercer had been chosen to play v Combined Services at Portsmouth on Dec. 12th. ? Letter re Letter of 30th ult., was read & Secy. was ? to F. A. instructed to ask the League if they were collecting the all views of (the other) Clubs with regard to the payment by the F.A. to the F. L. of one-half their share of Cup Final & Full International matches. Results These were reported:- v Sheffield Utd. (h) 1-0, v Leeds Utd. Res. (a) 1-3. ? v M'brough It was noted that we were likely to field an unchanged side with the exception of Wainwright for Elliott. H. Milligan Secy. reported a letter from this player, 175 expressing his thanks for all that had been done for him, during his 7 years connection with the Club. Transfer of Shares 176 Following transfer were approved:- Share Nod. 2412 & 2175 & 1033 to 1041 from J. E. Jones to G. Evans. Next Meeting Tuesday, Nov. 20, at Xchange Hotel, at 5 pm. Confirmed as correct. W. C. Gibbins 20/11/46 Chairman.