179 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool, Tuesday, Novr. 13, 1945.] Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, C. S. Baxter M. D., G. Evans, J. P., T. Percy, Capt. R. A. O. C., W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle, C. C., F. W. Lake & Secy. Minutes of Meeting held on the 16th inst., were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts were reported:- Gate v Sheffield Utd. £2,433.19.9 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax £927.1.4 Football League % £28.16.0 Sheffield Utd. Share Gate £402.3.9 Bank Balance £18213.0.0. Dr. A. G. M. Circular 177 Draft proof of circular to be sent to Share- holders, as submitted by printers, was unanimously approved with certain amendments of typographical errors to be made in issued copies. Ground Committee 102. Report of this Committee's Meeting of 10th inst., was read & adopted. (Copy attached.) Joiner 19 Mr. G. Evans reported the non-success of his further efforts to have this man directed to our Company. Gwladys St. Stand. Secy. was instructed to enquire of Mr. A. K. Leitch & the Ministry of Works, with regard to the early future use of this stand. T. Lawton. 177. It was formally reported that the player had signed for Chelsea F. C. Gillick & Caskie 177 Secy. was instructed to close with Rangers 177 F. C. at £5,000 if nothing better could be done. Oakes. 178 Club having asked a further £1,000 it was agreed we re-affirm our previous offer.