
			Secy. was instructed to supply
		each Director with a Copy of the Printer's Proof
		of the Circular before posting to the Shareholders.

A. W. Fielding		On the advice of Mr. J. C. Bryson,
167.		it was agreed to drop further proceedings against
		the Daily Mail re their article of Sept. 10, 1945,
		concerning this player's signing.

T. Lawton 172.		Secy. reported that no further word
		had been received from enquiring Clubs, though
		Chelsea had intended to consider our figure.

Gillick & 171		Hibs letter of 26th inst. was read
Caskie 171	offering £1,000 for Caskie.
			Reported that Rangers F. C. had
		offered £3,000 for Gillick of £5,000 for the two
			Agreed that the Secy. proceed with
		Rangers for a separate or double deal on the
		following valuation:-
			Gillick	£4,500 with power to accept	£3,000.
			Caskie	£2,500	   do		do	£2,000.
			It was anticipated that Hibernian
		F. C. might increase their offer for Caskie.

Oakes 172.		Agreed that we make a firm
		figure of £3,000 as the maximum for this player.

Rawlings 173.		Noted that apart from the actual
		signing of this player, negotiations were complete
		for his transfer.

Barker 172		Secy. reported that so far the
		player had signed no forms which affected us,
		& it was noted that efforts would be made
		to secure him.

Wyles. 172		Transfer of this player to Black-
		burn Rovers was reported. It was noted that we
		had applied to pay player £200, as Accrued