174 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, October 30, 1945.] Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, C. S. Baxter, M. D., G. Evans, J. P., T. Percy, Capt. R. A. O. C., W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle, C. C., F. W. Lake & Secy. Minutes of Meeting of the 23rd inst., were read & confirmed. Finance Payment was reported of Blackburn Rovers fee of £500 for transfer of T. C. Wyles. Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax £5.18.10 Maryhill Harp F. C. Transfer Fee Elliott £75.0. 0 Millwall F. C. do Rawlings £2000.0.0 Theo. Kelly Salary £83.6.8 W. Dickinson do £33.6.8 J. R. Thomson do £41.13.4 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xcs. £200.0.0 Bank Balance £19,488.8.7. Dr. A. G. M. Report The Sub Committee which met on the of Sub Committee 25th inst., at Goodison Park, presented their report, 167. along with the reading of Mr. J. C. Bryson's considered recommendations with regard to the proposed matter to be circulated to the Shareholders. It was decided with one dissentient that the Secretary request Mr. W. C. Cuff's permission to use our letter of the 17th inst., & his reply of the 23rd inst., in the aforementioned circular, & if Mr. Cuff did not grant permission for such use, then the Statement to the Shareholders should contain the following note:- "A copy of the Joint Report was accordingly sent to Mr. Cuff on the 17th October, 1945".