172 of this Sub Committee. The suggested letter to the Share- holders to be brought before the Board at the earliest possible Meeting, for consideration. F. L. & Genl. Mtg. 168 Messrs Gibbins, Green & Secy. gave their Report of this Manchester Meeting which had rejected by 39 votes to 9, a suggestion to accept monetary help from Football Promoters. The whole of the recommendations of the Management Committee had been accepted. Our proposal regarding a modified War Service benefit had received no support. Guest artists were limited to three in any one match. Lawton 167. Reported that Chelsea F. C. had first offered £8,000, increasing to £10,000, for this player's transfer. It was agreed that the Secretary ask for £15,000. Noted that Millwall F. C. had made no bid. Wyles. The offer of £500 made by Blackburn Rovers F. C. being acceptable. Secy. was instructed to apply to the Football League for permission to pay this player the maximum as Accrued Share of Benefit, with a limit of £250. Noted that Bury F. C. had also been interested. Oakes 168. Secy. gave excellent report of this winger, & said that he had offered £2,000 which the Club were considering. The player was 26, 5'10" & 11½ st. reasonably speedy & two footed, although he was in this match not too good with his head. But in the present likely constitution of our forwards, he should be a great asset to either wing.