
		Rule making the players appeal out of date.
			Decided that no further action be

Gillick 160.		Reported that Glasgow Rangers were to
		make an offer for this player.

Caskie 160		Hibernian F. C. had asked £5,000
Bogan 83.	for Bogan & it was decided that we place a similar
		valuation on Caskie. Secy. was instructed to deal on
		these lines, with powers to £1,000 if required to
		complete the cross deal.

Oakes (Q. o. t. Sth.)	Noted that the Club required a
	162.	worth while offer. Decided that Secy. see the
		player on Saty. to asses his value, & was
		given powers to complete a transfer.

Elliot T. 160.		Confirmation was given to the
		arrangement made to secure this player's transfer
{Note: request for} for £75 from Maryhill Harp F. C. The player
{further of he does well} would sign for us as soon as we could arrange
		a full time arrangement, at a wage of £5 per week.

F. L. X. Genl. Mtg. 162	The Agenda was considered & the
		Board's desires noted by the Chairman. It was
		decided to support a modified Benefit of £250
		maximum for War Service players.
			It was agreed to oppose the principle
		of accepting financial assistance from "Pools", on the
		grounds that football could be self supporting,
		if its revenues were properly allocated. Our
		representative to suggest deferment of consideration
		pending the action of the F. A. (See Minutes on P. P. 164 & 165).

Results			Manchester Utd. (h) 3-0, Preston Nth. End Res. (a) 5-0.

Directors Away		Manchester:- Mr. W. C. Gibbins.
			Sunderland:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins, E. Green,
		R. E. Searle & F. W. Lake.

Reid			It was agreed not to treat over this
		half back of Stockport.