165 had voted in favour of it, thus making the Resolution a recommendation from the League, as a whole. Therefore it might be necessary to circularise all F. L. Clubs for their views of their separate & particular reasons for supporting the proposition, & it was not possible that we could fully express those Club's views in our own ideas. {Space left for further desires of Board.} J. Mercer 40 It was noted that the Football Association had chosen this player for their match v Wales at West Bromwich on Oct. 20th. Ashcroft (Tranmere) 162 Mr. W. C. Gibbins could only say that this player had done all that he could do, in a bad team. Sharks (Barrow) He (Mr. Gibbins) was not enamoured of this O. L. McCormack (Gateshead) Mr. W. Laine reported on this small but strong C. F., who had played O. R. He thought, despite his size of 5'7" & weight 10 st., that he would be an asset. His age was 24. Agreed that Mr. Laine should see him again when he played at C. F. Reid (Stockport City) Noted that this player was for transfer. Decided to obtain further information. Penman (Raith Rovers) 160 It was noted that this O. L. was not for transfer. Results These were noted:- v Manchester Utd. (a) 0-0, v P. N. E. Res. (h) 1-2.