
		Enquiry of the 27th ult., when the player had been found
		guilty of asking Charlton F. C. for money in excess of
		Rule. He was temporarily suspended until Oct. 22nd,
		when his further sentence would be determined.
			With the known doubts of the
		correctness of the decision, Secy. was instructed
		to go further into the matter with the Secy.
		of the F. L. & to call an Emergency Meeting of the
		Board if thought necessary, after Mr. J. C. Bryson's.
							Decided that
		subsequent advice had been taken. Mr. Bryson ask
the Daily Mail for a complete disclaimer on Geoffrey Simpson's article of Sept. 10th. {W. C. G.}

F. A. Letter 160	Letters read from F. A. & F. L. asking us
		to state a case covering our proposal, that, the F. A.
		Share of Full International Match Receipts
		be divided with the Football League.
			Decided that this be considered at
		next meeting.

F. L. X. G. M. 160	Suggestions were considered for proposal
		to League Management Committee before circulars
		are issued to Clubs.
			Following expressed their intention
		to be present:- Messrs Gibbins, Green, Searle & Lake.

A. Ashley 160		Letter read from this player, stating that
		he had signed professional forms for Witton Albion.

J. Cookson 160 & G. Dalgleish It was reported that these players
		had signed professional agreements.

Results			v L'pool 1-1 after extra time, v Leeds 3-2, v Aston v. Res. 1-5.

Directors to M/c 10	Messrs Green, Evans, Percy, Searle & Lake.

Ashcroft 160		Mr. F. W. Lake gave a poor report of this O. R.

Riding			Mr. G. Evans thought this C. F. of South
		Liverpool, was not worth further consideration.

Oakes (Q. of the South)	Mr. J. R. Thomson preferred this man
		to Penman & it was decided to ask his price.

Winters			Mr. W. Laine was unfavourably in
		his report of this player.