
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel,
			Liverpool, Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1945.]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, C. S. Baxter, M. D.,
			G. Evans J. P., T. Percy, Capt. R. A. O. C., W. R. Williams,
			R. E. Searle, C. C., F. W. Lake & Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting of 15th Sept., were
		read & confirmed.

T. Lawton 158		No enquiries were reported.

Indemnity 160		Secy. reported that script for Shares
		Nod. 1848 to 1850, had now been found.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Ministry of Works	Gwladys St. Stand	£125.0.0
		L'pool F. C.		   Share Gate		£239.7.3
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise		  Tax		£13.7.11
		Theo. Kelly			Xpenses		£100.0.0
			Bank Balance £19,319.15.1. Dr.

A. G. M. Sub Committees	It was decided to take further
Report 158	advice upon the report already received at the
		meeting of August 28th, & it was resolved that
		"the Secretary instruct the Auditors of the
		Company, Messrs Theodore Roger Bowler & Co., & the Solicitors
		to the Company, Messrs T. J. Smith & Son, to make a
		joint examination of the Voting Papers used at the last
		Annual General Meeting of the Company on the election
		of Directors, & the proxies exercised in connection
		therewith, & after such examination to render to
		the Board a joint Report, & in particular, on the use
		of the said proxies.".
			Messrs G. Evans & T. Percy resolved
		their votes against this Resolution.

A. W. Fielding 156	Secy. reported the result of the