
Fielding A. W. 147	Secy. reported the signing of this player
		on the maximum legal terms of wages. This was confirmed.
			Chairman expressed the pleasure of the Board
		to those concerned in the attainment of this object.

Ashcroft, Llew 148	Secy. reported that this player could be
		obtained for a fee of £2,000. Decided that further enquiries
		be made & the matter be reconsidered.

Lowe W.			It was noted that this boy had now
		signed as a professional.

McDonnell, M. 148	Secy. reported this player had signed profess-
		ional for Earlestown & it was agreed that endeavours be made
		to get his signature.

Teams 143		Suggestions re teams for matches on
		12th & 15th inst., were approved.

Directors to Bolton	Messrs G. Evans & T. Percy.

T. G. Watson		Letter read from player requesting a post
		on training staff. Secy. instructed to promise him,
		consideration at the due time.

Thomson J. R. 132	It was noted that this official would
		be released from the Army as from Sept 13th & he was
		granted 14 days leave of absence, during which he
		would visit matches in Scotland on missions in our interest.

Transfer of Shares 149	Following were approved:-
		Shares Nod. 587 to 589 from J. J. Baines to T. C. Nuttall.
		     do	   1182 to 1184 from Xors. J. A. Barker to Alex Jones.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, Sept. 18, 1945, at 5pm.
		at Exchange Hotel.
			Mr. T. Percy apologised for his presumed
		absence from the meeting.

							Confirmed as correct.

								Wm. C. Gibbins
									Sept. 18/45