151 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 1945.] Present:- Mr. W. C. Gibbins (Chair); all other Directors excepting Mr. W. C. Cuff & Secy. Minutes of Meeting of 4th inst., were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Gate v Bolton Wands. Res. Share Gate £230.19.10 Preston Nth. End do £237.12. 2 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Ent. Tax £8.16.9 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes. £150.0.0 Bank Balance £21,705.17.7. Dr. A. G. M. 149 This matter was further proceeded Report of Sub. Comee. with, & Propositions were resolved after Messrs T. J. Smith's letter of 7th inst. had been read. The diction of the Resolutions is appended. Messrs G. Evans & T. Percy wished to have their note recorded against the Resolutions marked (1), on the appended sheet. The Resolution marked (3), was carried unanimously. T. Lawton 148 It was agreed that this player be invited to attend before the Board, with regard to his request to be transferred. Constantine Mr. E. Green reported that he (Rochdale) favoured the acquisition of this C. F. at £750, the price originally stated. He knew that there were doubts that this figure would now be acceptable but meantime pending Rochdale F. C. Board Meeting, it was decided to have the player watched in his next match. (Forwd. to Folio 155.)