147 T. Lawton 143 Secy. reported the situation re housing accommodation for this player, & it was generally agreed that little move, could be done. Discipline It was also agreed that the Secy. be em- powered to notify the players of existing etiquette applying to the offices, particularly on match days. This is apply to all stipendiary officials, inclusive. A. W. Fielding 143 The Secy. reported brighter developments towards the professional signing of this player. Directors with Teams To Burry:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins, E. Green, T. Percy, R. E. Searle & F. W. Lake. To Bolton:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins, E. Green, G. Evans, T. Percy, W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle. P. Doherty It was agreed that we do not bid for this Manchester City player. Grand staff 64 G. Thompson was accepted as a Member of the Staff at £4/10/- per week & R. Graves was granted an increase of 10/- per week to his present wage of £3/10/-. Advertising Secy. was permitted to increase advertising as circumstances & needs desired. Transfer of Shares Following were approved:- Shared Nod. 335 & 2194 from Ethel Gray to Welfred Dickinson. do 1627 to 1629 from A. Sides to D. Lewis. do 1417 to 1419 from T. Bickerstaff to F. I. Bickerstaff. do 816 & 2035 to 2036 from Wm. Miller to F. Welding. do 641 from C. Hughes to J. C. Bryson. {W. C. G.} E. Edwards (Bee) Indiscretions of this journalist &c. R. Barker were reported & Secy. was left to deal diplomatically with same. Next Meeting Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1945, at Exchange Hotel, at 5 pm. Confirmed as correct. Wm. C. Gibbins Sept. 4/45 Chairman.