[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel,
Liverpool, Tuesday, August 28, 1945]
Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chairman), E. Green,
C. S. Baxter, M. D., G. Evans, J. P., Capt. T. Percy,
R.A.O.C., W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle C. C.,
F. W. Lake & Sec'y.
Minutes of Meeting of 21st inst.,
were read & confirmed.
Finance Receipts were reported:-
Gate v Bolton Wanderers £1952.5.8
Commes. Inland Revenue. Rebate Sch 'A' £994.0.0
Cheques were signed for:-
Customs & Excise Tax £767.18.6
Commes. Inland Revenue W. D. Contribution £323.17.9
Football League 2% £23.8.3
Bolton Wanderers F.C. Share Gate £333.18.6
Messrs Tyson's, Ltd. Repairs £600.0.0
W. Dickinson Salary £33.6.8
Theo. Kelly do £83.6.8
do Expenses £100.0.0
Bank Balance £21,949.4.2 Dr.
It was noted that the Company would
receive approx. £820 from the match v Bolton,
under the revised Regulations of the Football League.
Reports of Matches Following results & Play were given:-
v Bolton Wanderers 3-2, v Blackpool Res. 1-2.
A.G.M. 142 The report of the Sub-Committee
appointed at the last Meeting was considered;
(copy of whist is appended) & it was agreed,
that, in view of the report, Mr. W. C. Cuff be asked
to give an explanation of his actions. It was
also resolved that a copy of the report should be