
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool,
			Tuesday, August 7th, 1945]

		Present:- Mr. W. C. Gibbins (Chair) & all other Directors & Sec'y.

			Minutes of Meeting of the 6th July,
		were read & confirmed.

Finance			Minutes of Finance Meetings of May 24th
		& August 2nd were read & confirmed.
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Central League.		Sub		£10.0.0
		Commrs. Inland Revenue	P. A. Y. E.	£53.1.0
			Bank Balance £22,549.5.5. Dr.

Spen Junior F.C.	Donation of £5 was granted to
		this Club.

Reports on London	Messrs W. C. Gibbins & W. C. Cuff reported
Meetings	on the various decisions & aspects, arising from the
		A. G. M.'s of the Football & Central Leagues.

C. L. Management	It was agreed to recommend Mr.
	Comee.	Norman Banks of Bolton, & a Yorkshire repres-
		entative for the vacancies.

Place of Meeting	After some discussion, Mr. Williams
		withdrew his proposal that the meetings should
		be held at Goodison Park this season, & if was
		then agreed that they be held at Exchange Hotel.

Captain & Vice Capt.	T. Lawton was elected Captain &
		N. Greenhalgh Vice-Captain.

F.A. & Players		Memorandum of the F.A. of July,
Agreements	was read, & the position as it affected the
		professional staff, fully discussed.

Fielding W. A.		Sec'y reported the steps taken to
		sign this player & on account of the doubtful
		situation, it was agreed that he proceed to
		London & other places as necessitated, to obtain a