139 s d Company would receive 36/5. F. L. Match v Bury Owing to the required revision of the date for this match at Bury, it was decided that we press to play this on an early midweek date instead of, as they suggested, New Year's Day. Directors to London London:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins, E. Green & Glasgow G. Evans, T. Percy & R. E. Searle. Glasgow:- Messrs Gibbins, Green, Evans, W. R. Williams, Searle & F. W. Lake. Transfer of Shares 131 Following were approved:- Shares Nod. 48 to 50 from H. Bruce to P. P. Keating. do 2002 & 2003 Xors. R. R. Turnbull to T. C. Nuttall do 2004 do to J. P. Evans. Sec'y was instructed to interview Mr. E. E. Perraton regarding the Shares lately held by her son J. R. Perraton. Next Meeting Tuesday, August 7, 1945 at 5 pm. at Exchange Hotel, L'pool, to be followed by Dinner. Confirmed as correct W. C. Gibbins 7 Aug. 45 Chairman.