
		fee of 80 Guineas per annum. Mr. R. E. Southworth
		seconded this proposal, which was carried

Election of		Before proceeding with this, The
  Directors	Chairman asked that those present should
		stand in silence in a token of respect for the
		memory of the late Mr. R. R. Turnbull, who had
		been so revered by his colleagues.
			Declaring that a poll would be
		taken, as requested, the Chairman stated that
		Mr. E. Edwards had withdrawn his candidature.
		Messrs W. C. Cuff & R. E. Searle were the retiring
		Directors, both eligible & seeking re-election.
		Nominations had been received for Messrs A. N. Denaro,
		F. W. Lake & T. C. Nuttall.
			Each of Candidates addressed
		the Meeting, followed by Messrs H. W. Coupland;
		W. R. Clayton Jnr.; J. W. Livesey; W. Bradshaw & P. Roberts.
			Messrs H. H. Banker; J. Charters, A. Lomax
		& P. Ney were appointed scrutineers & the Ballot.
		was then taken.
			Whlist the counting was taking place
		Mr. W. C. Cuff gave a resume of F. A. & F. L. Post war plans.
		Mr. J. W. Livesey having asked a question regarding improve-
		ments in the Shareholders Stand, Mr. G. Evans replied.
			The result of the Election was declared:-
		W. C. Cuff 1928, F. W. Lake 1059, R. E. Searle 955, T. C. Nuttall 951, A. N. Denaro 921.
			Responses on the result were made to the Meeting.

Vote of Thanks		Messrs W. Bradshaw & A. Evans proposed &
		seconded a Vote of Thanks to the Directors. This was carried,
		& the Chairman made acknowledgement.
			The Meeting then closed.

				Confirmed as correct.
					W. C. Gibbins
					6 July 45