136 [Annual General Meeting held at Central Hall, June 28, 1945] Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, W. C. Cuff, C. S. Baxter M. D., G. Evans, J. P., T. Percy, Capt. R.A.O.C. W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle, C. C., & 87 Shareholders. Also in attendance Messrs H. W. Bowler, J. C. Bryson & Sec'y. Notice of Meeting Sec'y read Notice convening the Meeting. Press The Meeting approved the presence of the Press. Directors Report Mr. W. C. Gibbins briefly attained A/cs. & Balance Sheet. 130 the work of the past Season, & the outlook for the immediate future. He particularly stressed the percentage of assistance on the playing field, of "Guest Artists", this being less than 10%. Although the profit on the year's working, of nearly £4,000, looked so good, it should not be overlooked that the cost of deferred repairs would be in the region of £10,000. After the reading of the Auditors' Report by Mr. H. W. Bowler, it was proposed by the Chairman & seconded by Mr. T. Percy, that the Accounts & Balance Sheet as presented, be passed & approved. This was carried unanimously. Dividend Mr. W. R. Williams proposed & Mr. E. Green seconded, that a Dividend of 7½%, Less Income Tax, on the paid up Capital of the Company, be paid, as for a period of 3 years. This was carried unan- imously. Election of Mr. V. G. Winfield proposed the re-election Auditors of Messrs T. Theo. Rogers, Bowler & Co., at the pre-war