134 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool Thursday, June 28, 1945] Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair); all other Directors & Sec'y. Messrs C. & H. W. Bowler & G. C. Bryson attended in an advisory capacity. Vacancy on Sec'y formally reported the withdrawal Board 132 of Mr. E. Edwards name from the list of nominees. Doubtful proxy papers were dealt with, upon which the Chairman exercised his decisions. A.G.M. Proposals The Directors concerned in these were selected as usual. Minutes Minutes of Meeting of the 19th inst., were read & confirmed. Finance Receipt reported of £489.8.4 from Football League as our Share of War Cup Pool 1944-45. Cheques were signed for:- Theo. Kelly Staff Wages & Xes. £50.0.0 do Salary £83.6.8 Bank Balance £21037.15.6 Dr. Asst. Sec'y Chairman reported that the Sub- (under 's') 132 Committee of himself with Messrs Green & Cuff. which had interviewed Messrs A. Boland, W. Dickinson & A. Heyes, earlier in the day, were unanimously in favour of the appointment of Mr. W. Dickinson, of Southport. The Sub Committees recommendation was unanimously accepted. Clyde F.C. Trainer Sec'y reported that the Clyde F.C. would meet all our expenses for the suggested match on August 15th & that the F.A. had been