133 at 3 pm. on the 28th inst., & report to the Board Meeting of 5 pm. on that day. F.A. A.G.M. It was decided, owing to the expected brevity of this Meeting, that our representatives appointed to attend, should not now do so. F.A. Challenge Cup It was reported that this Competition was to be re instituted for 1945-1946; that all Rounds to the 6th inclusive should be on the non popular home & away basis; & that a "pooling" system of a percentage of certain gates, should obtain. Lancs. F.A. Div. 5 It was agreed to nominate Mr. S. B. Berney of Marine F.C. for the vacancy in this Division. Clyde F.C. Trainer A letter was read from the Scottish F.A. requesting that a team be sent on August 15th. approx. to play a Glasgow team for the benefit of M. Gemmell, the Clyde trainer. It was agreed that our best team be sent, provided F.A. permission was granted, & that our expenses were covered. Aid to Russia Letter read requesting a match Council at Goodison Park in September v a Russian XI. This was sympathetically received, but no decision could be reached, pending our known commitments with the Football League fixtures. W. C. Cuff 79 Attention was drawn to the fact that this Director had completed 21 years continuous service on the Board on the 21st June, 1942 & it was agreed that he be given a memento as soon as possible, to the value of £30, purchase tax excluded. Next Meeting Thursday,June 28, 5 pm. Confirmed as correct W. C. Gibbins 28/6/45 Chairman.