125 propounded by Mr. Dickinson of Preston ( see Folio 108) {was stated to have} had now been brought into line with the require- ments of the law. Match at Accrington Secy.'s suggested team was approved. Directors likely to travel:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins, E. Green, G. Evans, T. Percy & W. R. Williams. Fixtures Secy. reported the present likelihood. 106 It was agreed that should it be possible, one of the L'pool Cup Final matches vs Tranmere Rovers be played on "Victory Day plus One" F. Sweeney It was reported that this player 67 who had been a prisoner of war, was safely home. J. R. Hedley It was noted that this R. B. had 95 now been transferred to us & that the agreed figure of £100 plus £10 Signing on Bonus, had been paid to the North Shields Club. Next Meeting Tuesday, May 8, 1945, at 5 p.m. at Exchange Hotel. Confirmed as correct Wm. C. Gibbins Chairman 8/5/45