122 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, Tuesday, Apl. 24, 1945] Present:-Mr. W. C. Gibbins (Chair); all other Directors & Secy. Minutes of Meeting of the 18th inst., & of Finance Meeting of the 19th inst., were read & confirmed. Finance Bank Balance £22,386.16.8 Dr. Shareholder's Consideration was given to the request Association of this body, that an Extraordinary General 120 Meeting should be called with a view to altering No. 7 of the Articles of Association. Every aspect was dealt with & it was decided that the request be declined. Secy. was instructed to reply to that effect, quoting essential points arising from the discussion. Vacancy on Nominations were reported for & on Board behalf of Messrs A. N. Denaro & T. C. 120 Nuttall. Directors' It was decided not to apply for Associations Membership of this proposed Association. 120 Match v Secy. was instructed to select the best Southport possible team. It was noted that Stevenson 120 was likely to be posted abroad. Retain & Transfer These were discussed & it was Lists agreed to delete the names of Cook, Gee, Lambert & Thomson from out retained list. (Complete names overleaf.) Next Meeting Tuesday, May 1, 1945, at 5p.m. at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool.