
				[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, L'pool,
				Tuesday, April 10, 1945.]

		Present:-Mr. W. C. Gibbins (chair) & all Director, - Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting of the 5th inst., were
		 read & confirmed.

Finance			Cheques were signed for:-
		Commers. Inland Revenue		P. A. Y. E.	£48.11.0
		Mayor of Bootle's War Fund	Donation	£5.5.0
		Theo. Kelly			Wages & Xes.	£100.0.0
			Bank Balance £22,276.6.9 Dr.

Match vs Wrexham	Secy. was instructed to make best use
114		of the players available. It was noted that we
		had an outside chance of League honours.

South L'pool F. C.	Secy. read correspondence from this Club
110		& was instructed to inform Mr. J. C. Bryson of
		our views with regard to the legal costs

Vacancy on		A proposal that Lord Sefton be
Board		approached to accept the vacant seat on the
		Board was seconded, & carried with one dissent
		?.  The minority then proposed a
		substantive motion that this decision should
		be made unanimous. On being put to the
		meeting, this is agreed.
			It was also agreed that Mr. W. C.
		Cuff, President of the Football League,
		acting for the Board, should invite the
		Right Hon. gentleman to occupy the vacant seat,
		& report back to the next meeting.

F. L.  Post War Plans	As there were many points to be
		considered, it was agreed that this item
		should be dealt with at the next meeting.