
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel,
			Liverpool, Tuesday, Feby. 27, 1945]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, W. C. Cuff, C. S. Baxter M. D.,
			G. Evans, J. P., T. Percy, Capt. R. A. O. C., W. R. Williams,
			R. E. Searle C. C., & Secy.

			 Minutes of Meeting of 20th, inst. were read &

Finance			Bank Balance  £24,203.3.6 Dr.

Estate Committee	Secy. reported that this Committee had
		Elected Mr. Geo. Evans as Chairman, & that they would
		meet at Goodison Park, at 3 pm., on March 8th.

Match vs Chester	The suggested team was approved. It was
		noted that Lawton was unlikely to be available until
		March 31st.

Vacancy on		It was agreed that this be filled
102 Board	at the next Annual General Meeting.

South L'pool F. C.	Secy. reported that the F. A. had asked
102		for a copy of the Memorandum now prepared & 
		that it was anticipated the Agreement would
		be signed, following the A. G. M. of the South L'pool
		Club, to be held on the 3rd March.

Lancs. F. A.		A copy of a letter drawn up by Mr.
(Future of Footballers) W.H.Cartwright, & sent to the present bodies, as a
		basis for consideration, was read & noted.

C. S. Britton		This player having applied for
		information with regard to his future, & also the
		view that the Directors would have of his 
		taking a managerial or similar appointment;
		Secretary was instructed to inform him
		that no obstacle would be placed in the way
		of his advancement, but that we would
		retain his registration as a player.

					Wm. C. Gibbins
					Mar. 6/45