101 Maintenance & The Ground Committee, who had held a Painting Meeting on the 12th, inst., with Mr. Andrews of the Ministry of Works in attendance, recommended the following applications for Official Permits:- 1/ Painting of the Facia & Standards of Goodison Rd. Stand & of all accessible turnstiles. 2/ Annual Maintenance to a maximum of £ 1,000. South L'pool F. C. Further correspondence was read from Messrs Bryson; Harley & Joynson. After consideration it was agreed that Clauses 3, 5 & 11 of Rider to Memorandum, be amended as suggested & that our Solicitor revise the pleasing of Clause 8 to allow for the equal use of the ground in the Close Season, dates to be mutually agreed. Transfer of Shares Following was approved:- Shares Nod. 2149 to 2151 from E. Lobley to Robert Lobley. Directors to It was noted that the following might Hampden, Apl.,1945 be able to attend:- Messrs Gibbins, Cuff, Green, Evans, Percy, Williams & Searle. Next Meeting Tuesday, Feby. 20, at Exchange Hotel, at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct. Wm. C. Gibbins Chairman. 20/2/45