96 this event, we would pay the Club £100 & a further £100 if he played six matches in our 1st team; and in addition, a signing on bonus of £10 and the wages paid to him by the Club, prior to the player joining us. South L'pool F. C. Mr. J. C. Bryson's letter covering a Draft of Memorandum of Agreement & a copy of letter from Messrs Simpson, North, Harley & Co. to Mr. Bryson were read. Consideration being given to each point of Mr. Harley's communication on behalf of South Liverpool F. C. it was agreed that Mr. Bryson be instructed to add to or amplify the Rider to the Memo of Agreement accordingly in the following respects:- (a) That no charges shall be made against the South Liverpool Club until they start operating. (b) That Clause 7 of the Memo be amplified to include the Close or Summer Season, but that the South L'pool Club indemnify us against any damage that might be incurred on dates allotted to them. It was borne in mind that Clause 6 necessitated them obtaining our consent to certain contingent arrangements appertaining to the Main Lease. (c) That revenue from advertising hoardings & catering rights be equally divided, but that any suggested revision of terms of such revenue, should be submitted to us, for our approval. (d) That we agree to the display of separate signs of equal prominence, outside the ground, representing the Everton & South Liverpool Football Clubs. With regard to the Contract, it was agreed that there should be no proviso, making