
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel,
			L'pool, Wednesday, Jany. 3, 1945]

		Present:- Mr. W. C. Gibbins (Chair) & all other Directors excepting
			Mr. W. C. Cuff; & Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting of the 19th. Decr., were
		read & confirmed.

Finance			The following receipts were reported:-
		Stockport County F.C.		% Gate		£183.15.2
		Tranmere Rovers F.C.		  do		£164.11.7
			A cheque was signed for:-
		Customs & Excise		Tax		£1451.14.1
			Bank Balance £23097.11.5 Dr.
			It was noted that there would now be
		due to the Bank as interest on the half-year, an
		amount approximating to £460.

Match v Bolton		Secy. reported the likelihood that neither
		Lindley nor T. G. Jones might be available, & he was
		instructed to present the best possible XI, keeping
		Catterick in mind.

South L'pool F.C.	Mr. T. Percy reported upon the Meeting
		of the 20th. Decr.
			Secy. read letters from Mr. E. R. Dixon,
		& was instructed to acknowledge same in a 
		suitable manner, after consultation with Mr. J. C. Bryson.

Scottish Players	Mr. J. R. Thomson reported not too well
		of Galletty (O. R.) but again thought highly of
		Gibson (R. B.).

N. E. Players		Secy. gave good reports of two 20-year
		old players of North Shields F.C. They were
		Hedley (R. B.) & Sloan (C. F.). It was agreed that
		he make arrangements with the Club if possible, to
		ensure these players becoming Members of our Club.