
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel,
			L'pool, Tuesday, December 19, 1944]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, Dr. C. S. Baxter, T. Percy,
			Capt. R.A.O.C.; W. R. Williams, R. R. Turnbull, R. E. Searle, C. C. & Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting of the 12th. inst., were read &

Finance			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise		£194.0.1
		Football League			£7.10.0
		Stockport County F.C.		£158.2.6
			Bank Balance £24116.19.7 Dr.

Staff Wages		It was agreed that as from Jan. 1, 1945,
		K. F. Busby be paid 30/- per week.

Xmas Holiday Matches	It was noted that for these games,
		practically all of our regular players would be
		available, on the various days.
			Directors to Stockport:- Messrs Gibbins, Green,
		Evans, Percy & Searle.

Xmas Boxes		It was agreed that Mr. Roberts & Messrs
		Fare & Parker be granted the equivalent of One
		Weeks Pension as a Xmas Gratuity.

South L'pool F.C.	Progress of negotiations was reported &
		it was agreed that the Sub-Committee appointed on
		the 5th. inst., be empowered to conclude the business,
		at their Meeting with all parties on the 20th. inst.,
		subject to the Legal Advice that they would then have
		obtained regarding the position of the South L'pool
		F.C.'s Shareholders.
			It was noted that the Directors who had
		viewed the estate, were very optimistic over its
		condition, - upon the valuation of the proposed