
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel,
			L'pool, Tuesday, Dec. 12, 1944]

		Present :- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, C. S. Baxter M.D., G. Evans J. P.,
			T. Percy, Capt. R.A.O.C.; W. R. Williams, R. R. Turnbull, R. E. Searle C. C. & Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting of the 5th. inst., were
		read & confirmed.

Finance			Minutes of Meeting of even date were
		confirmed & it was noted that the Debit Balance
		at the Bank was now £24,228.9.11.

Sub-Committees		Capt. T. Percy was elected to the
		vacancy on the Finance & Ground Committees.

Match v Stockport C.	Secy. outlined the probable players
		available for this match.

Sunday Pictorial	The attention of the Board was drawn
		to a par in the edition of the 10th. inst. & it was
		agreed that no action be taken other than
		by the inclusion of T. G. Jones on Saty. next which
		would counteract the innuendo's implied by the

South L'pool F.C.	Reports were given of the Meetings of
		Club & Corporation officials on the 7th. & 9th., &
		approval was given to the arrangements made to
		buy the lease & assets of the South L'pool Club for
		the sum of £2,200 (Two Thousand, Two Hundred), they
		to be given facilities to share the playing dates,
		at a rental of £105 per year, plus half the cost
		of Rates, which were about £140 total annually.
			Members of the Board arranged to view
		the ground on the 13th. inst., & it was noted that
		there would be a Conference of all parties at the
		Municipal Bldg. on Wedy., the 20th. inst., at 11 a.m. at
		which our Solicitor, Mr. J. C. Bryson, would be present.