
			It was agreed that we propose the
		bringing into line of the Football Leagues maximum
		wage for 1st year professionals; & the Football
		Associations minimum Retaining Wage; to the latter figure of
		£4 per week.
			Also that we propose that one-half of
		the Football Association's Share of Cup Final & full
		International match receipts be allocated to the Football
			It was agreed to support Southampton's
		call for a Meeting of the Clubs at an early date,
		to discuss all matters.

Bogan (Hibs)		Mr. J. R. Thomson gave a good report of
		this player, who had played inside-right.

South L'pool F.C. 	Details were given of proceedings
		taken so far, to enable us to use the Holly Park,
		ground after the war. Messrs Gibbins, Percy, Searle
		& Secy. were appointed to meet Mr. Samuel's of the
		Town Clerks' Dept. on Thursday, the 7th. inst., to go
		further into this matter.

Transfer of Shares	Following was approved:-
		Shares Nod. 1423 & 2332 from Xors. J. H. Tweedley to A. E. Tweedley.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, Dec. 12, Xchange Hotel at 5 pm.

							Confirmed as correct
							Wm. C. Gibbins
							Dec. 12/44