
			[Meeting held at Xchange Hotel, L'pool,
			Tuesday, December 5, 1944]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), all Directors & Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting of 28th. November, were read
		& confirmed.

Finance			Bank Balance was reported £24569.16.6 Dr.

Match v Wrexham		Secy. outlined players available for
		this match.

F. L. Post War Plans	These were gone into in detail.
			Birmingham F.C.'s details of mileages of
		individual Clubs; were read & it was noted that by
		their scheme, this Company would be saved 1,450
		miles of travel per Transitional Season. It was
		also noted that it was still not to late for the Football
		League to reconsider their decisions affecting
		the Transitional period.
			With the following exceptions the October
		Report of the F. L. Committee, were approved :-
			Recommended 10. It was felt that a
		return to Rule 32, as it applied in 1938-9, was to
		the advantage of the Clubs, in fixing their own prices
		of admission for Ladies, Members of H. M. Forces, & Boys,
		but that a proviso be made that some portion of all grounds
		be available at the minimum ground admission charge.
			Report 7. That if a League Cup Competition
		be impracticable, then the F. A. be asked to consider
		the "Home & Away" principle for Rounds 3 to 6 inclusive
		of the Competition Proper.
			Recommendation 12. That although it is
		desirable that Clubs be represented by Directors &c.
		at Annual & General Meetings, it was not in the best int-
		erests of all Clubs to debar Stipendiary Officials from so