80 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool, Tuesday, November 28, 1944] Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), & all Directors & Sec'y. Minutes of Meeting of 21st inst. were read & confirmed. Finance Cheques were signed for:- Theo. Kelly Salary £83.6.8 do Staff & Players Wages & Xes. £80.0.0. Bank Balance £24783.13.4. Dr. War Damage Mr. Leitchs' estimates for work of Glazing & Roofing required were submitted as follows:- Mellowes & Co. Lt., Sheffield, Patent Glazing, £608.0.0 do Extra for lead bars if procurable £17.12.0 Turner's Asbestos Co., Manchester £351.3.11 It was decided that Mr. Leitch proceed as formerly, & that Sec'y inform him of the possibility of obtaining the required lead bars from Messrs L. S. Keizer & Co. of Liverpool. Match v Wrexham Sec'y outlined the probable players available for this match & the following Directors expressed their intention of travelling:- Messrs Gibbins, Green, Cuff, Evans, Percy, Turnbull & Searle. Cadby Hall The Members of the Board deputed to act Ground in obtaining information about this estate, gave their findings & observations. Letter was read from Mr. S. H. Gluckstein offering a 99 years lease at a rental of 3½% interest on the purchase price value of £20,000, with power to purchase outright at any time during the period of the lease. It was agreed that the matter be