
		Handbook) Regulations regarding the Majority Vote of the
		Members present, not mentioning "matters of principle, it
		would be well to ascertain what this phrase meant
		exactly, before a decision was made.
			Report 7. Notice was drawn to the "Terms of
		Reference "(Item 2) & it was agreed that so far as
		this report was concerned, the mention of the F. A.
		Cup Competition was extraneous.
			Report 8. As in Report 7, it was felt that the
		Football League was the body, on our behalf, that
		should press for equitable treatment in the
		incidence of the Entertainment Tax.
			Recommendation 12. Letter read from Mr. Fred
		Everiss J. P. of West Bromwich.
				It was agreed that we oppose
		this Rec. on a matter of principle, as taking
		away our proper authority to appoint our representative
		at Annual & General Meetings of the Football League.
			Recom. 14. It was agreed to consider this in
		two parts. To the first, we agree that there be no
		fixed Maximum Transfer Fees. To the second, that
		there should be no restriction on the power of Clubs
		to make their own financial arrangements with
		regard to payment of Transfer Fees. As we were
		usually in the position of a Creditor Club, this finding should
		be of importance.
			Recom. 18. Agree to increase of wages to £9
		Playing Season, & £7, Close Season as weekly
			Recom. 21. That the wording is vague, but if
		as it reads, it is correct, then we feel that War
		Service/Period should rank towards Benefit.
			Report 10. That this is a domestic matter for
		Clubs. If the Football League concurs, there is no necessity.