				Mr. W. C. Gibbins

		In the name of the Everton F. C. I am privileged to put forward this
		proposition. "That in view of the importance and extent of business concern-
		ing clubs of the Football League, and so that the management committee shall
		be able to devote the whole of their time to the Professional Club's affairs
		the League management Committee take steps to withdraw from their member-
		ship of the Football Association Council, with the exception of one member
		who shall retain membership, as formerly as Representative of the Football
		League Clubs".
			First I wish to say on behalf of the E. F. C. that behind this
		proposition, there is no semblance of any desire that the F. L. clubs should
		sever themselves from the rightful authority of the F. A.; but there is a
		genuine regard for the right of the professional clubs to be independent in
		their views, Whilst still acting under the regulations of the F. A. and obey-
		ing the laws of the game as decreed by the governing body of our National
		sport. AND we are very keen that we should still have a spokesman in the ranks
		of the Parent Body. Therefore I ask you to consider the proposition from the
		viewpoint of "What may be best for us all", for the following reasons :-
			We feel that the F. L. clubs would have freer powers of ex-
		pression through the F. L. M. C. were that same committee nor bound by member-
		ship of the F. A. Council, to feel that loyalty prevented them from fully
		voicing their ideas as representatives of the F. L. clubs. If the F. L. M. C.
		were represented as a body by one individual, that representative would
		always attend F. A. council meetings, very strongly reinforced by the fact that he
		had the support of the biggest football party in the country behind him in
		any proposals which affected the business of football.
			Let us run our own business in our own way, provided that we
		are obeying all the laws that appertain to our business. And those laws are
		the Laws of the F. A. but those self-same laws in accordance with times and
		that expert advice than the representative of the F. L. Clubs. You may say,
		"we have those representatives". Yes, we have, but our point is that one man
		EMPOWERED , is better enabled to put forward the Football League's views.
		Some years ago under the previous system which we seek to reinstate. the
		F. L. was in a stronger position comparatively than it is today. This war has
		proved that with no assistance from outside, and running under the aegis of
		of our own League arrangements and Ideas, the F. L. has carried on in the face
		of adverse circumstances, the like of which has never before been equalised
		, and therefore justify the claim of my club that they (The F. L.) should revert
		to the position that they have virtually always held- & that is the pre-
		eminent place in the soccer world in the eyes of the public.
			We feel gentlemen, that football is trending in directions
		which may not be in the best interests of the professional clubs, which after
		all are entirely or almost so, Limited Liability Companies; and if we are
		right in suspecting a trending a direction not favourable to the professional
		Clubs that is another reason why we ask you to support this proposition:
		-or, forgive me for repeating this- we do feel that the F. L. will be in a
		stronger position to safeguard our interests, by being represented by one
		member of the F. L. M. C. on the council of the F. A. For example I name one trend.
			We have read and heard quite a lot about the CENTRAL COUNCIL
		OF PHYSICAL RECREATION, a vague body, who, in their activities appear to
		intend to include Association Football. This sounds very much like another name
		for the much decried "Hitler Youth movement", and if it does turn out to be a
		similar organisation, we must except a strong attempt to be made to nationalis
		our clubs in its embraces. Football is our national sport without being.