68 Crystal Palace F.C. A questionnaire & circular letter from this Circular Club, was read, but no action taken. Mayor of Glossop Sec'y reported that the Mayor Elect of Glossop was one Josh. Hough, an amateur left back of our Central League team at one time. A letter of congratulations had been sent & a reply of thanks received. W. C. Gibbins It was agreed that the Chairman take immediate steps to procure for himself a present to the usual value, to commemorate his fulfill- ment in 1941 of 21 years service as a Director of the Company. Next Meeting Tuesday, October 17, 5 pm. at Goodison Park. Confirmed as correct. Chairman Wm. C. Gibbins Oct. 17/44. [Emergency Meeting held at Goodison Park, Saturday, October 14, 1944] Present:- Mr. W. C. Gibbins, E. Green, C. S. Baxter, M. D., G. Evans, J. P., T. Percy (Capt. R.A.O.C.) W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle, C. C., & Sec'y. Wounded Soldiers It was agreed following the Chairman's report of the meeting on the 11th inst., to admit Wounded Soldiers free to our matches, as in accordance with our long-standing arrangements. Confirmed as correct Wm. C. Gibbins Oct. 24/44 Chairman.