64 F. L. A. G. M. Secy. reported that this was to be held in London on Oct. 30. The following expressed their intention to attend:- Messrs Gibbins, Green, Evans & Searle. It was expected that Messrs Williams & Turnbull would also be available. Secretary was instructed to prepare & submit to the Football League the following resolution:- " That in view of the importance & extent of business concerning Clubs of the Football League; & so that the Management Committee of the Football League shall be able to devote the whole of their time to the Professional Clubs affairs:- the League Management Committee take steps to withdraw from membership of the F. A. Council, with the exception of one member, who shall retain membership, as formerly as Representative of the Football League Clubs." Ground Staff It was agreed that H. C. Sadler be given an increase of £1 per week. Team v Chester Secy. suggested the team for this match, which was approved. Next Meeting Tuesday, September 26, 5 pm. at Goodison Park. Confirmed as correct Wm. C. Gibbins Chairman Sept. 26/44