51 [Annual General Meeting held at the Law Association Rooms, Cook St., Liverpool, Friday, June 16, 1944] Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins, E. Green, G. Evans, J. P., W. R. Williams, R. R. Turnbull, R. E. Searle, C. C., & 31 Shareholders, also Messrs J. C. Bryson, H. W. Bowler & Secy. The Chairman reported apologies for absence from Messrs Cuff, Baxter & Percy. Notice Convening Mtg. Secretary read the Notice convening the Meeting. Press The Meeting agreed to the admission of the Press representatives. Director's Report On the motion of the Chairman it was Accounts & B/S agreed that these be taken as read. The report of the Season's work was given by the Chairman, who also explained & commented on the Accounts & Balance Sheet drawing particular attention to the payment of the record sum of £5243 in players Benefits. After the reading of the Auditors Report by Mr. H. W. Bowler, it was proposed by the Chairman & seconded by Mr. W. R. Williams, that the Accounts & Balance Sheet as presented be passed & approved. This was carried unanimously. Mr. A. Lomax proposed that consideration be given to the disposal of the amount of £253.18.2 lying in the Unclaimed Dividend Account. Dividend The Chairman proposed that payment of Dividend be deferred. Mr. W. R. Williams in seconding this, explained the Board's reasons for this recommendation, which were principally in the interest of National Economy. The proposition was carried unanimously.