48 discontinue the weekly provision previously made for him. T. S. Brown Secy. reported that this ex-Hearts wing half, who was in the R. A. F. & stationed locally, had given a good exhibition when playing at Anfield. It was decided that the Secy. use his discretion & powers with regard to a signing on fee, to secure the players, who was on a free transfer. Noted that he was a young man, & not likely to be more than 23. A. E. Stevenson Chairman read letter from this player re the possibility of a position on the staff at the conclusion of the war. It was decided that the Secretary send a suitable reply. Aitken (Airdrie) Letter from J. R. Thomson read stating that thus I. L. would be playing at Airdrie on June 3rd & Edinburgh June 10th. Secy. was instructed to attend both matches & it was hoped that Messrs Evans, Turnbull & Searle would be able to see him on one of these two dates. F.A. & F.L. Secy. reported that these meetings, A.G.M's. originally fixed for July 17th, had been indefinitely postponed. 201, Walton Lane Secy. was empowered to obtain this house if possible, up to the figure of £550. Transfer of Shares Following transfers were approved: - Shares Nod. 646, 2090 & 2091 from Xors C. C. Hadfield to J. W. Morris. do 277, 278 & 382 from Xors Thos. Yule to R. R. Turnbull. Letters of Thanks These were read from "E" Division, National Savings "Salute the Soldier" Campaign, Sq. Ldr. Leach, A. T. C., Glasgow Rangers F.C. & St. Col. De Bank of the U.S.A. F.A. Division 3 Secy. reported the position with regard to our nomination of Mr. Green, as it stood at the moment. Next Meeting Friday June 16, 5 pm. at Exchange Hotel. Confirmed as correct Wm. C. Gibbins Chairman Aug. 16/44