45 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool, Tuesday, May 2, 1944] Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, C. S. Baxter, M. D., G. Evans, J. P., W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle, C. C., & Secy. Letter of apology for absence Mr. R. R. Turnbull, was read. Minutes of Meeting of 18th Apl. were read & confirmed. A Cheque was signed for:- Theo Kelly Staff & Players Wages &c. £75.0.0 Bank Balance £24,449.17.7 Dr. Directorate Secy. reported that no nominations had been received for consideration at the Annual General Meeting. Lancs. Cup Report Mr. W. C. Gibbins reported the result of the Meeting at Preston on the 19th Apl. & letter from Mr. Jonatham Taylor to the Editor of the "Evening Express" was read. Brian Atkins It was noted with regret that this very good player had died of wounds in Italy. T. G. Jones Secy. reported the newspaper comments on this player's ankle injury on the 22nd inst. v Liverpool. J. Caskie No objection was raised to an approach being made to this player to play in a Charity Match at Newcastle on the 13th inst., for the benefit of the dependents of the late Mr. Wilf Gillow of Middlesbrough F. C. Letters of Thanks These were read from C. S. Britton & J. R. Thomson. Players to Watch It was noted that Aitken, (I. L.) of Airdrie had been recommended by J. R. Thomson. Secy.s' & Managers' Letter of Appeal for Benwolent Association Fund was read. It was agreed that no action