EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB CO. LTD SECRETARY THEO. KELLY Telephone Telegrams AINTREE 2263 FOOTBALL LIVERPOOL I I GROUND & REGISTERED OFFICE: GOODISON PARK LIVERPOOL-4 OUR REF YOUR REF DATE May 1st, 1944. Dear Sir, Re FOOTBALL LEAGUE COMPETITION NORTH, 1944-5. Following the experience of the present Season, my Directors have decided to put forward as a proposal at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of the Football League, a reiteration of the suggestions contained in our circular letter of June 23rd last, as they feel certain that, if adopted, it would be to the advantage of all Clubs concerned. The proposal is:— "That a Championship Competition run in areas similar to last Season, commence on August 26th, 1944, and terminate on January 20th, 1945,—an inclusive period of 22 Saturdays. That at the conclusion on January 20th, 1945, the 32 Clubs having the best record shall proceed to a Cup Competition on the lines of last Season. Clubs failing to qualify and Clubs failing to survive the respective rounds of this Cup Competition, will play matches with Clubs similarly placed, as the matches from January 27th would constitute the "Second Half Season" League, as last year. "That the Cup-ties be played on the home and away principle commencing February 3rd, with one week's gap between each round, which would enable early fixtures to be made for the certain clear dates, viz., January 27th, February 17th, March 10th and 31st and April 21st (County Cup-ties which count in the League reckoning, would be assured of these dates, where required). "That if the principle of this suggestion be adopted, the two holiday dates, one at Xmas and the other at Easter, could be used to make minor adjustments, bearing in mind the advisability of Clubs playing near neighbours." Your own Clubs's Executive will realise the benefit of these "breathing spaces" between the rounds in which to arrange travel, publicity, permits for players, etc., instead of, as at present, endeavouring to make hurried contacts—mainly on Sundays—particularly if it is a case of arranging a fixture for the following Saturday. The handicap in cities like Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield, etc., where there are two Clubs to be considered, would be eased by the suggested "time-lag." Further, there will be greater interest in the bad weather weeks of January, when the qualifying 32 Clubs will be settled. Clubs not fortunate enough to enter the Cup, will have better chances of arranging a good programme for the New League Competition. We trust that you will give this proposal your earnest consideration, prior to and at the Annual General Meeting. Yours faithfully, Theo Kelly SECRETARY