41 W. Lowe Secy. reported that this player had now been re-fixed in plaster & that both himself & Mr. Diggle were more satisfied with the position of the bones. A. E. Stevenson It was noted that this player had sustained a fractured ankle on the 1st inst. at Edinburgh, whilst playing for R. A. F. v Army & it was agreed that endeavours be made to have Mr. McMurray to attend on him. F. L. Proposals After discussion, it was agreed that the following proposals be put forward at the Annual General Meeting of the Football League:- 1/ That payment of percentage of Gates to Visiting Clubs in League matches be made on the basis pertaining up to Sept. 3, 1939. 2/ That, should the military situation call for the continuance of the game under present conditions, the system of League & Cup games for 1944-45 be organised on the lines of our proposals as contained in the circular dated June 23, 1943, & which was included in the Minutes of June 1, 1943, (Folio 2). Final details to be approved at the next Meeting. Football League Management Committee. It was agreed that the League be asked to make all League fixtures throughout the Season 1944-45. Post War Planning Committee (F. L.) It was also agreed that this Committee be asked to consider the retention of the League cum Cup principle, as exemplified during the past three Seasons; & that they also be asked to consider legislating to assist on the conclusion of war, professional players in the Services, who through