40 [Meeting held at Xchange Hotel, Liverpool, Tuesday, April 4, 1944.] Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, C. S. Baxter, M. D., G. Evans, J. P., W. R. Williams, R. R. Turnbull, R. E. Searle, C. C., & Secy. Minutes of Meeting of the 21st ult., & of Finance Meeting of same date, were read & confirmed. Cheques were signed for:- Commrs. Inland Revenue Sch. "A" £1780.5.0 Royal Insurance Co., Ltd. War Damage (Chattels) £ 5.0.0 Bank Balance £20,937.11.10 Dr. J. Mercer It was noted that this player had not been granted leave for March 25. Junior Grounds Messrs Evans & Williams reported their visit to Skelmersdale, & it was decided that the Secy. enquire if there was any legal restriction on the use of this land. Information still to come to hand re- garding Earle F. C.'s ground. E. Wainwright Secy. reported that this player had now signed as a professional. Players Benefits Details of the Football League's decision on each application were read & Secy. was instructed to draw cheques for the following amounts:- J. R. Thomson £552.10.0, C. S. Britton, C. W. Gee, & J. N. Cunliffe £520 each, T. Gillick £471., T. G. Jones £422.10.0, T. Lawton, G. Jackson, J. E. Jones £325 each, J. Mercer £260, W. Cook & T. G. Watson £195 each, N. Greenhalgh £182, W. Boyes £170, G. Burnett £130, A. E. Stevenson & S. J. Bentham £65 each. It was agreed that these be presented in the dressing room at 2.15 on the 10th inst., by Mr. W. C. Gibbins supported by Mr. E. Green.